Whether as an apprentice, working student or as part of a dual study program, MedNet offers you various entry opportunities into the professional world. We are currently training wholesale and foreign trade clerk, warehouse logistics specialist and IT system clerk.
From 2024, we will be offering a dual degree program that combines commercial training in our company with a university degree in business administration.
As an international sales company, MedNet has been a training company for over 20 years. With us, you will find training in a future-proof industry. A wide range of tasks awaits you from us and you will not only gain insights into sales but also all specialist areas of a trading company, from purchasing and logistics to marketing and quality management.
With the support of our experienced trainers, you can further develop yourself and your skills and prepare for a successful career.
We would like to welcome you to our friendly team. At our company and team events, you will have the opportunity to get to know us better quickly.