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Contract manufacturing

For over 30 years, MedNet has served the medical and pharmaceutical industry as a supplier and service provider with a wide range of components. Whether for the manufacture of a catheter, cytostatic agent or fluid system, our selection ranges from medical components to fluid management and bioprocess and connection components. Whether as a product in the catheter laboratory, in radiology or in infusion therapy, our high-quality disposable components from renowned manufacturers are of the highest quality and reliability, meet industry-specific requirements and are manufactured in clean rooms if required. Through our technology partners, we also offer high-performance medical polymers and compounds for use in medical applications . In addition, we have regulatory documentation that meets all industry requirements.


Diversity, reliability and development expertise

The majority of our standard range is available from stock, enabling fast and uncomplicated delivery. In addition, you can benefit from our well-established and certified network of production partners offering comprehensive material technologies tailored to your individual requirements. We know that every project is unique and there is no standard solution. With our customized approach, you can stay in control of the entire process and remain flexible to make adjustments as needed.

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