October 18, 2022

MedNet is launching a contrast hand controller for contrast medium injection as a disposable accessory for the proven Acist CVITM contrast medium injection system. The MedNet contrast hand controller for contrast medium injection offers consistent and repeatable activations and has an ergonomic handle with individual push buttons for contrast agent and saline delivery. As an alternative to the OEM component, this market launch offers another source of supply for manual control as well as for other components used with the contrast medium injection system: a high-pressure valve and a high-pressure line made of fabric-reinforced PUR, each with a pressure resistance of 1,200 PSI. All components are CE marked and can be delivered non-sterile. �We are pleased that we can now offer the market an alternative to the conventional solution. Another plus for our customers is that we also offer the other components that are used together with the manual control system.�

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